Creating a group

HomeCreating a group

Creating a group

Groups are used to manage the contracts that various team members have access to within Query. Only group members can see or access a contract that has been assigned a group.

Only Admin and Owner users can create groups.

Note: Currently, only Groups is only supported for executed contracts stored in Query. We’re working on the ability to add a draft contracts and contracts under negotation to Groups.

To create a group:

  1. Click the Groups menu item in the left sidebar.
  2. Here, you can see a list of all of your previously created groups.
  3. Click the Create New Group button in the header.
  4. Give your group a name.
  5. Toggle whether you want your group to be private. Contracts that belong to private groups can only be seen by members of that group. You can then add which users you want to be added to that group by searching for them by name. You can add more users later as well.
  6. Click Save.

You can add contracts to a group as they are being uploaded to Query. You can also update an existing contract’s group.