Getting the most from our AI copilot, Robin

HomeEditing contractsGetting the most from our AI copilot, Robin

Getting the most from our AI copilot, Robin

Robin, our AI copilot, can be accessed from the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Robin can help with all sorts of tasks, and we've put together some tips and tricks in this article to help you to fly through your contracts.

There's a huge range of tasks that Robin can help with in your day-to-day from:

  • Explaining terms or clauses in plain english
  • Translating specific clauses into other languages
  • Helping you to summarise specific clauses, or even the whole contract
  • Writing emails or notes for you about the contents of a contract
  • Providing you with further insight about the terms or obligations buried in the contract
  • Finding obligations and surfacing specific clauses to you

The quality of the information provided by the AI copilot will depend on the way that you structure your ask to Robin. To help you to get started, we've put together some ideas for the best ways to frame your ask:

  • Explain in plain english [insert clause number]
  • Translate [insert clause number] into [language]
  • What are my [rights / obligations] in [clause / contract]
  • Does this [clause / contract] contain [insert terms]
  • What happens if [insert event]
  • Can I [insert scenario]
  • What does [insert clause number] mean
  • Can you summarise [insert terms / or contract]

To provide some real-word examples, you could ask Robin, "draft an email to my CEO with a summary of this contract" or "translate clause 7.1 into Spanish" or "what is the governing law of this contract?".