Using Robin AI's Microsoft Word Add-In to Accelerate Contract Review

HomeEditing contractsUsing Robin AI's Microsoft Word Add-In to Accelerate Contract Review

Using Robin AI's Microsoft Word Add-In to Accelerate Contract Review

Using Robin AI's Microsoft Word Add-In to Accelerate Contract Review

Getting started with the Microsoft Add-In for Robin AI is straightforward. The Add-In gives you access to Robin AI’s contract copilot from within your Word working environment. This means that you can get suggested edits for your contracts, get questions about your contracts answered, and check the defined terms in your contract are correct.

The first step is to create your Robin AI account. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll be prompted to install the Word Add-In in a couple of easy steps. By clicking on the button, we’ll open a page with some instructions for you in Word.

For PC users, follow the steps below:

For Mac users, follow the steps below:

Once you’ve got the Add-In installed, open a contract that you’d like to review and log in to your Robin AI account from the side bar.

From there your contract copilot, Robin, will be visible. You will see three different tabs at the top of the screen: Chat and Playbook.


There are some example questions and tasks that Robin can help with during your contract review processes. You can click on one of these example options to understand a bit more about how the chat function works. You can ask questions about your contract and Robin will provide answers from the contract. You can also ask for help with a range of tasks from summarisation to translation.

Robin cannot provide legal advice but it can help you to get some basic tasks done much faster, like finding specific information buried in a contract, or preparing a summary of the contract for your colleagues.


You will need to configure the playbook to match the type of contract that you’re seeking to review. In your free Robin AI account, you will see some playbooks that have been created by the Robin AI Legal and Product team for contracts like NDAs. If you are a customer of Robin AI, you will see the option to choose from your curated playbooks that have been created together with the Robin AI Legal and Product team.

Once you have selected the correct playbook, Robin will provide AI suggested edits to the contract in line with the instructions it has been given. If you’re a long-standing user of Robin AI, the functionality here is the same as it is in the Robin AI accounts that you have previously used.

You can click the button to scroll to the relevant clause in the contract. Robin will tell you if a particular clauses aligns with the requirements as set out in the playbook, or if there are changes to be made to align the clause with the playbook requirements, then Robin will suggest edits for your contract.

Click to accept or decline the suggested edits. The changes will automatically be made to the document if you accept the suggested edit to the contract.


The Robin AI team are building out functionality within Actions to help further accelerate contract review processes. The first feature available here is called Defined Terms. This feature uses a combination of AI and machine learning to understand where there may be defined terms missing, or where defined terms may have been incorrectly used in your contract. You can use the arrows to review any suggested edits to defined terms, and then click to accept any changes that you would like to make.

If you need any help with your Robin AI account, or using the MS Word Add-In, please send an email to , and we’re happy to help.